
Kallfü Füdo

Kallfü Füdo emerged through exercises in memory and counter-monument during the first month of the pandemic in 2020, when physical travel was not possible. The idea originated from research on building a monument anywhere in the world, and I was transported to Cañete, a place where I have the most beautiful memories from my childhood and adolescence. I used Google Earth to travel virtually intervening graffiti-like in its seemingly neutral geographies with personal stories on a software platform of satellite images used for commercial and military purposes. Following my memories, I created and recreated routes by drawing lines of familiar routes recalling joyful memories until a long umbilical cord emerged connecting my home in San Francisco with my paternal grandparent's house in Cañete. The photograph is of an installation made using two stones - one from the United States and the other from the south of Chile as a visual interpretation of the journey.

Kallfü Füdo embodies nostalgic feelings in relation to the territory of my ancestors and the grandparents I never met.

Kallfü füdo


Photography of installation, 2020


Satanás [relegada] a una condición errante, vagabunda, transitoria, carece de morada fija; porque si bien a consecuencia de su naturaleza angélica, tiene un cierto imperio en la líquida inmensidad o aire, ello no obstante, forma parte integrante de su castigo el carecer… de lugar o espacio propio en el que posar la planta del pie.

Satan being thus confined to a vagabond, wandering, unsettled condition, is without any certain abode; for though [she] has, in consequence of [her] angelic nature, a kind of empire in the liquid waste of air, yet this is certainly part of [her] punishment, that [she] is... without any fixed place, or space, allowed [her] to rest the sole of [her] foot upon.

(Adaptation of The Satanic Verses´ epigraph, Salman Rushdie)