
Imperceptible Rhizomatic Motions

Inspired by the metaphor of the tree and the rhizome connected to their surroundings, I reflect about place and culture tied to a condition of perpetual movement. Interested in Deleuze and Guattari problematic use of indigeneity in their “nomadic thought” as a deterritorializing strategy, I contest the notion of Indigenous subjectivities as naturally unstructured and in transit. Elevated and displaced, Imperceptible Rhizomatic Motions is an account of materialities and woven human gestures across hemispheres.

Imperceptible Rhizomatic Motions (2022), sheep wool dyed with plants and trees from the archipelago of Chiloé in Chile (shipped from Chiloé in November 2021), wire, 120” x 96” x 18” (305 x 244 x 46 cm.)

Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, California

Image credit: Clara Pérez, La Peña Cultural Center, Berkeley, CA